
Welcome to the official site of Ánanda Márga Pracáraka Saḿgha in Hong Kong Sector. The Sector extends from Siberia to Far East Russia, and it includes Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, China, Tibet, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Korea and Japan. It is one of nine Ánanda Márga sectors in the world.

Hong Kong Sector Newsletter

March 2025

Dear Márgiis brothers and sisters!

In the spirit of unshakable unity and service to the universe in the Hong Kong Sector, I extend my deepest gratitude to all of Margii’s brothers and sisters Dadas and Didis in the Hong Kong Sector. Your hard work and dedication to our most beloved Bábás mission is the foundation for building a world of harmony, compassion, and understanding. There are so many great work are going on in all the countries in HK Sector; So many projects and spiritual & social activists.

The journey of spiritual growth and service is a collective effort, together in pursuit of a higher goal.Let us guide others on the path of dharma, true values of love and kindness. You are an integral part of this noble mission. Our organization stands strong because of the sacrifices, sadhana and tireless efforts of individuals and collective discipline. Through your efforts, we continue to uplift our spiritual lives, bring solace to those in need, and spread the message of universal love.

Let us serve as a beacon of hope, reminding humanity that faith, service, and love are the cornerstones of true peace.

Thank you and best wishes. With deep appreciation and Bábá’s grace to all.

Yours In Him,

Ácarya Shubhaniryásánanda Avadhuta
SS Hong Kong Sector

Help Rebuild Ánanda Shivanii MU Rector's Office After Devastating Fire

Dear brother and sisters Namaskár,

I hope you are well by His Grace.

We are reaching out with a heavy heart to share the devastating news that the Rector’s office building at Ánanda Shivanii Master Unit was completely destroyed by a fire on January 19th, 2025. The cause of the fire was determined to be a faulty heating system, and while we are grateful that no lives were lost, the loss of this property has been heartbreaking….   read more

Hong Kong Sector Events in 2025

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Meditation Steps Youtube Channel

Meditation Steps is a free online meditation course. It offers a simple and practical method of meditation especially for those who are trying it for the first time. Other practices that enhance meditation i.e. yoga exercises, vegetarianism and fasting are presented in an easily replicable way.

Electronic Edition 9

Eledit 9 is the latest Electronic Edition of the Works of P. R. Sarakar (Shrii Shrii Anandamurti jii. It’s an application that you can download and install on your computer or mobile phone.

Windows, Mac and Android versions are already available. An iPhone version will become available in the near future.

We offer Meditation music, Mantra music, Devotional, Chanting and Relaxation music. We have a large selection of Kiirtan titles and devotional music with styles from all over the world. All profits will be donated to AMURT disaster relief work, Ananda Nagar village schools in West Bengal, India and other service projects supported by the Ananda Marga Foundation Taiwan. Thank you for your support.